Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation needs to be done when there is a lack of bone in the upper or lower jaw leaving one with inadequate bone in which to place dental implants. This defect may have been caused by congenitally missing teeth, lack of socket preservation at time of extraction, periodontal disease, long term denture wearing, developmental defects, injury or trauma. These defects while unattractive in nature, also causes one to not have sufficient bone to place a dental implant. In these cases, a Ridge augmentation procedure is done to help regenerate the missing bone. Different materials such as Membranes (filters), bone grafts and/or tissue-stimulating proteins including your own found in your blood using PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) are used to stimulate your body’s own natural ability to regenerate the bone and gum tissue. The bone is then allowed to heal for 4-8 months prior to dental implant placement, depending on your individual needs, In some cases, the implant can be placed at the same time as the ridge augmentation procedure. By regenerating the bone prior to implant placement, one increases the success rate for dental implant placement and an aesthetically pleasing restoration.