Teeth In A Day
/All On X

Advanced diagnostic capabilities, treatment planning and technology allows for full mouth dental implant procedures in which the patient to receive a complete set of teeth the same day. This type of treatment is often referred as “All on 4 or 6” meaning the complete set of teeth is support by 4 or 6 implants. This procedure allow the replacement of missing or broken down teeth with a permanent same-day replacement for the entire upper and / or lower jaw with a bridge or denture.

This procedure is best for patients with significant tooth loss, periodontally involved or decayed teeth and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting individual dental implants. Tooth loss is often accompanied by loss of the jaw bone volume often requiring the reconstruction of the jaw bone using bone grafting. The All-on-4 or 6/Teeth in a day technique takes advantage of the remaining dense bone that remains in the front part of the jaws and by placing the posterior implants on an angle to avoid the sinus cavities in the upper jaw and the nerve canal in the lower jaw.

Careful analysis of the bone structure needs to be done to allow for successful treatment execution. Using a CBCT scan to evaluate the bone and intraoral scans to evaluate ones bite, allows one of our periodontists to digitally plan your case and fabricate a surgical guide and your new teeth in advance. Due to the advanced planning, patients report minimal discomfort and are often in awe of the ease of the process and of getting their new smile in a few hours.