Sedation Dentistry

Many people are afraid of dental treatments, due to anxiety or fear of pain. This often leads to the progression of Periodontal disease, tooth decay, replacing missing teeth, or delaying getting the smile of their dreams as one hesitates to have the treatment they need.

Sedation treatment, whether with nitrous oxide, conscious oral sedation or IV sedation can make the entire process easier for you. At Rubin Periodontics, we have a board certified dental anesthesiologist who will make you feel calm and comfortable during your procedure. You will not experience pain, even if you have sensitive gums or teeth or feel any fatigue. You will most likely not remember the procedure after its completed and will increase your confidence the next time you need to visit the dentist.

When you are fully relaxed as a result of IV sedation, periodontal treatment and implant therapy will be easier for your periodontist. The procedure can be completed without distractions or other unnecessary difficulties.

When you have IV sedation for dental treatment, you will not be completely unconscious. Instead, your body and mind will be relaxed. This is known as twilight sleep. You will not feel any pain or anxiety during your treatment. Do not let fear or anxiety hold you back from getting the smile you always dreamed of, call us and see what options we can offer for you.