Sinus Lifts

One of the key aspects to dental implant success is the quantity and quality of the bone where the implant is to be placed. The upper back jaw is one of the most difficult areas to place dental implants successfully due to the softness of the bone, insufficient bone quantity and the close proximity to the sinus. Often times, after one loses a tooth in that area, there is loss of bone which may leave one without enough bone to place implants.

A Sinus lift procedure can help correct this problem by elevating the sinus floor and regenerate the bone for the placement of a dental implants. There are several techniques that can be used depending on the amount of remaining bone to lift the sinus and allow for the new bone to form. In some occasions the sinus lift procedure can be done at the time of implant placement. There are numerous factors taken into account by our periodontists that determine which technique is best for your individual case.

If one has enough native bone, we can lift the sinus using special drills while placing the implant that lifts the sinus and adds bone simultaneously. This is know as an internal sinus lift. If one is not a candidate to have an internal lift due to lack of bone volume, an external sinus lift, known as a lateral window is done to elevate the sinus, bone is then added to the sinus cavity and allowed to heal. Depending on ones individual needs, the bone takes between 4-9 months to develop before implants can be placed. Undergoing a sinus lift surgery has been shown scientifically to greatly increase the success rate for dental implants so that they can last for years to come. Many patients experience minimal discomfort during this procedure.